Kefalonia live music, events, festivals, church feasts, Greek nights and more

Kefalonia live music and events coming up soon. Please contact me if you know of more events all over Kefalonia and I will include them in my updates.

Agia Efimia on 31/7

Musicians Walk through Agia Efimia. Start: 21:00

Skala on 28/7

Rock evening with Sonus Repicla The Band at Skala Square. Southern Rock, Blues, Rock n’ Roll. Start: 21:00

Fragata on 27/7

Gastronomy feast with live music and dance. Visitors can taste the various traditional foods.

Argostoli on 27/7

Music evening in Napier’s Garden with an international and Greek repertoire. Start: 21:00

Spartia on 26/7

Village Festival with live music and dance. Start: 21:00

Athera on 26/7

Church feast at the Central Square of the village with live music, food and drinks. Start: 21:30

Lordata/Tsifata on 25/7

Church feast with live music, dance, food and drinks. Start: 20:00

Faraklata on 25/7

Church feast with live music, dance, food and drinks. Start: 20:00

Troianata on 25/7

Church feast with live music, food and drinks. Start: 20:00

Lakithra on 24/7

Church feast with live music, dances, food and drinks at the church yard of Agia Anna.

Lixouri on  22/7

Musicians walk (Perantsada) through the streets of Lixouri to the Central Square. Start: 21:00

Zervata on 20/7

Evening with dances of the Islands. Start: 20:30

Αrgostoli on 19/7 & 20/7

Seaside Rock Festival at Thalathomilos (on the road to the lighthouse). Start: ??

Lixouri on 19/7

Musicians walk (Perantsada) through the streets of Lixouri and traditional dances at the Central Square. Start: 20:30

Assos on 18/7

Musicians Walk through Assos. Start: 21:00

Vlachata on 17/7

Church feast with food, drinks and live music at Vlachata Square/ Start: 21:00

Faraklata on 14/7

Evening of traditional dances at the village Square. Start:20:00

Omala/Ainos on 13/7

Feast with food, drinks, wine and music above Omala, below the old radar station. Start: 20:00

Lixouri on 11/7 & 12/7

2-day Festival of Gastronomy at the Central Square with live cooking, local products and music & dance. Start: 20:30

Lixouri on 8/7

Musicians walk (Perantsada) through the streets of Lixouri to the Central Square. Start: 21:00

Sami on 2/7 & 3/7

Festival of Traditional Dances with dances from all over Greece. Start: 21:00

Lourdata on 1/7

Church feast with music, traditional dances, food and wine in the old Lourdata school yard. Start: 20:00

Vlachata on 29/6

Vlachata event with traditional dances

Evening with traditional Greek dances at Vlachata Square.

Start: 20:30



Vasilikades from 1/6

Live music in Vegera Taverna

First Greek Night of the season at Vegera Taverna in Vasilikades with live music and spitroasted suckling pig. Every Saturday.

Every Tuesday: Wine Festival with free refills and spitroasted lamb.



Lassi on 11/5

Charity event in Lassi

FLIK Music and Quiz Night in aid of the Fire Service at Da Veronica in Lassi.

Live singing, Quiz and Raffle. Start: 19:00



Katelios on 28/4

Katelios Spring Festival


Festival on Palm Sunday with traditional fasting dishes, drinks, live music, traditional dance groups and raffle.

Start: 13:00



Katelios on 6/4

Announcement for a spring bazaar in Katelios

Spring Bazaar at Jerry’s Elliniko Restaurant.

Homemade cakes, clothes, books, refreshments, Bacon Butties, Tombola.

11:00 – 14:00



Katelios on 30/3

Katelios Spring Fayre

Spring Fair at Morning Star Taverna in Katelios with cakes, bacon butties, drinks and snacks, Tombola and Raffle. Funds go to the Fire Fighters.

12:00 – 15:00



Lixouri on 17/3

Carnival parade in Lixouri  Start: 15:00

Argostoli on 17/3

Carnival parade on the Central Square. Start: 15:00

Lixouri on 3/3

Carnival in Lixouri


Carnival in Lixouri starts at 17:00 in the Central Square with the appearance of the Carnival king, traditional dances and Samba.

From 19:00: Latin rhythms


Argostoli on 25/2

Carnival in Argostoli 2024

Carnival spree and Coronation of the Carnival Queen, starting from Kampana Square, down Lithostroto to the main square. Music and Carnival dances, clowns, balloon constructions and face painting.

Start: 12:00pm.


Argostoli on 5/2

Karaoke in Argostoli

Karaoke in Averto Cafe. Glass of wine or beer plus a shared club sandwich or pizza for 8 Euro per person.

Start: 19:00



Katelios on 17/12

Christmas Fair in Katelios


FLIK Christmas Fair at the Katelios Taverna with stalls, Raffle, Tombola and food & drinks.

Time: 11:00 – 16:00


Vlachata on 8/12

Live music in Vlachata

Live music with Tonia at Kafe Klios (Post office) in Vlachata.

Start: 21:00



Svoronata on 2/12

Christmas Bazzar in Svoronata

KATs Charity Christmas Bazaar at Dum Spiros Spero Taverna in Svoronata. There will be homemade cakes, tea, coffee, mince pies and mulled wine. Also stalls for Christmas decorations, tombola and raffle.

12:00 – 15:00